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The Value of Ocean Minerals

One of the most enjoyable health “things” that we do in our family is to take what we call Sea Baths. These are baths in ocean mineral salts. Anytime we feel less than par, we fill the tub and soak. “Aahhh,” we sigh and promptly fall deeply asleep. Looking at ideas for a healthful and relaxed the holiday season, this valuable therapy comes to mind.

The benefits of ocean water have been known and used for thousands of years, probably since there were both people and oceans. Health seekers travel far to soak in the curative waters of the Dead Sea and other spots like mineral springs. Reported results are dramatic. Mineral baths, whether in the Dead Sea, in a mineral springs, at a spa or bathtub turned spa-at-home are a great and proven way to improve health.


We have a need for trace minerals that is literally vital, even though the quantities of certain of them might only be minute. Trace minerals are in much shorter supply in food than they used to be when soil had lots of micro-organisms worming their way through it, depositing minerals on the way. And we need those minerals! They help virtually every part of the body to function properly. This includes nervous system function — trace minerals are said to reduce stress. Having the trace minerals requirement met may be an important part of the ability to get yourself a full night’s sleep. It’s not all of the puzzle but it’s a large piece.

It’s a wild thing that sea water and blood are almost identical! Whether that’s part of the affinity our bodies have for ocean water or not, trace elements in sea water are absorbed rapidly through the skin, resupplying the body of essential nutrients in minutes. The body can exchange as much as two quarts of liquid in a 20 minute bath in mineral salt waters! So taking an ocean water bath is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to restore balance to the body.

Adding certain plant essences to the bathwater enhances the experience in many ways, as the plants possess their own potent healing or balancing properties in addition to their aesthetics.


Fully natural, full-spectrum bath salts are hard to come by – they’re generally not sold in stores. Typical bath salts are sodium chloride only (table salt) or perhaps at best two or three minerals. This may be toxic in that the needed balance of the other 90 trace elements is missing! Furthermore, scented bath salts may contain petrochemical fragrances, many of which may be toxic or sensitizing to many individuals. Even the few store brands we’ve seen that had full-spectrum salts contained other chemicals that have no business in a “health” product. It’s always best to read labels carefully and avoid anything you need a chemistry degree to understand!

When taking your mineral baths, try to avoid soaking in chlorinated water. Chlorine is quite toxic – it can break down proteins and is very hard on the skin and hair, it also kills beneficial bacteria in and on the body, depresses the immune system and can make one ill in a variety of ways. If you don’t have a filter system that removes chlorine, consider getting one.

Our website carries excellent, truly natural ocean mineral bath salts and effective, affordable water filters.

A little story: I had a dear friend who as a child of 11 was stricken almost fatally with sunstroke. Her parents and many doctors strove to turn her health around in vain until one unusual MD gave her the prescription: soak every day in the ocean for quite some time (as I recall it was for a few hours) submerging your head as well, and on coming out, do not rinse or towel off but sun-dry (leaving those minerals on the skin). The difference was dramatic and immediate. It was she who inspired me to duplicate as closely as possible the ocean-bath experience to make it possible to reap the therapeutic benefits with or without proximity to a seashore.

Much love,


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