Natural Mineral Rouge Powder


Natural mineral rouge powders in several shades.



A wonderful collection of natural mineral rouge powders.

We wear make-up often, some of us every day. It is so important not to put health-chancy colors or chemicals on our skin or keep the skin from breathing and detoxing. You won’t find any of that going on here. Just prettiness, peace of mind and comfort, too. 

Samples are available. Try them on to see on your skin which look the best. You can achieve a very natural appearance here, as well as a dressier, nightime look.

When you try a rouge powder on, check how it looks in approximately the same lighting in which you expect to wear it. Also, since we go outside (makes me glad just to say it), look at your face in the sunlight or out-of-doors, natural light.

Try each sample by itself and when you’re done, gently and thoroughly clean it off and dry before you try the next.  I know…that’s an “a-duh, Evan!” but I would rather mention it than leave it out.



Rouge #1: simulates blood color for a very natural blush.

Rouge #2: light neutral, slightly cool.

Rouge #3: light, sightly mauve and warm with a touch of shimmer

Rouge #5: Medium neutral – goes with most skin tomes

Rouge #8: Shimmery medium, slightly cool pink

Rouge #11: medium purpley, brownish

Ruoge #12: shimmery, medium-light bright pink

Rouge #13: shimmery, medium slightly warm pink

Rouge #14: shimmery medium neutral pink






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A wonderful collection of natural mineral rouge powders.

We wear make-up often, some of us every day. It is so important not to put health-chancy colors or chemicals on our skin or keep the skin from breathing and detoxing. You won’t find any of that going on here. Just prettiness, peace of mind and comfort, too. 

Samples are available. Try them on to see on your skin which look the best. You can achieve a very natural appearance here, as well as a dressier, nightime look.

When you try a rouge powder on, check how it looks in approximately the same lighting in which you expect to wear it. Also, since we go outside (makes me glad just to say it), look at your face in the sunlight or out-of-doors, natural light.

Try each sample by itself and when you’re done, gently and thoroughly clean it off and dry before you try the next.  I know…that’s an “a-duh, Evan!” but I would rather mention it than leave it out.



Rouge #1: simulates blood color for a very natural blush.

Rouge #2: light neutral, slightly cool.

Rouge #3: light, sightly mauve and warm with a touch of shimmer

Rouge #5: Medium neutral – goes with most skin tomes

Rouge #8: Shimmery medium, slightly cool pink

Rouge #11: medium purpley, brownish

Ruoge #12: shimmery, medium-light bright pink

Rouge #13: shimmery, medium slightly warm pink

Rouge #14: shimmery medium neutral pink