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Bringing Sanity to Our Food Choices

At Evan’s Garden, we strongly advocate that people take care of themselves in sensible ways that will increase their health, energy and youthfulness. Using all-natural cosmetic products such as ours is just one component of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthful diet is hugely important. However, what IS a healthful diet?

Famous “diet gurus” have made $millions selling diets that offer opposite advice. Not one of these has ever impressed us enough to embrace or to recommend. Each seemed over-generalized to us and struck us as more fad than sensible science.

Fortunately for all of us, someone has come along to pop the balloon of over-hyped fad diets and bring real sense to a once confusing scene.

Researcher and author William L Wolcott has provided the most brilliant solutions to dietary issues that we have ever encountered. His landmark book, The Metabolic Typing Diet, is an amazing read.

Just looking at this book helped us shake off the effects of false data and generalities about diet that we had been fed for so many years by doctors and the media. We brightened up so much after reading it that we were overjoyed.

The main message of the book is that each person has a unique biochemistry, and that a diet that is “right” for one person may be entirely wrong for another.

And no, this is not a “blood-type” diet book. Those books are oversimplified and there are people for whom the blood type diets simply do not work. While blood type IS a factor, it is about 1/10th of the actual picture.

Here is a good example of how Wolcott’s book helps the individual. Many proponents of natural diets claim that fruits and vegetables move the body from an acidic condition to an alkaline state, which is more healthful. Surprisingly, Wolcott’s research shows that this is not always the case. What alklizes one person may actually acidify another. Again, this shows that trying to make one diet fit everyone is just not workable.

Diet gurus have offered wildly differing advice on the “ideal” diet. Some promote high-protein, low-carb diets, others push pasta, some advocate low fat, others suggest strictly vegetarian. Unfortunately, while some people do well on one or another of these diets, other people “crash and burn”. Many search for years and never find something that works for them.

What makes Wolcott’s work brilliant is the self-testing process that emables the reader to determine his own metabolic type and then customize his own diet to suit him now and also as his biochemistry evolves and changes over time.

The Metabolic Typing Diet is a truly revolutionary book that provides what has long been desperately needed: a systematic, testable, repeatable, verifiable means for each of us to find an answer to the question, “What’s right for me?”

You’ll be truly amazed at the many health and fitness benefits you’ll experience when you consistently eat according to your metabolic type. Here are a few highlights:

* achieve your ideal weight and stay there
* lose weight without deprivation and struggle
* free your self from food cravings and hunger
* enjoy sustained high energy and endurance
* bolster your immunity and resist infections
* conquer indigestion, fatigue, allergies
* overcome depression, anxiety, mood swings that have a physical basis
* prevent and reverse chronic illness

We HIGHLY recommend this book! Go get a copy right now. You will be forever glad you did this!

We hope this information proves as helpful to you has it has to us.

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