Around this time of year (March), right after the Academy Awards, you see lists like “The Best and Worst Dressed” in the magazines.
We thought we’d extend this to “The Best and Worst Foods List.”
So, here we go!
The 5 Worst Foods You Can Eat:
1. Doughnuts
2. Soft drinks
3. French fries and most other fried foods
4. Chips
5. Most processed carbohydrates
Why they’re the worst
Doughnuts are not only pure refined carbohydrates with no real nutrients, they are also dangerous nonfoods. Fried in oils that have been damaged by heat, they contain very toxic compounds. The same is true for most fried foods. Furthermore, the oils used to fry these foods are usually unbalanced (lacking the essential omega-3 fatty acids) so you get too much of certain things and not enough of others.
Soft drinks, of course, contain vast amounts of refined sugars or toxic artificial sweeteners and other chemicals.
Chips and fries are virtually empty of nutritive value. They are simple carbs that turn to sugar quickly and adversely affect insulin levels. So also are most cereals, breads, pasta, etc.
Although at times tasty, these “foods” are unfit for human consumption. If included in the diet too often, we eat ourselves sick.
The 5 Best Foods You Can Eat:
1. Balanced dietary oils (quality fish oil, coconut oil, and “Udo’s Perfected Oil Blend”, available at health food stores)
2. Fresh, raw, whole organic sprouts, vegetables and fruits (especially good when juiced)
3. Fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, Asian “kimchee,” etc.)
4. Concentrated “Super Foods” such as chlorella algae, barley grass.
5. Raw organic eggs and grass-fed organic meats if you’re not vegan
All of the above “best” foods should be unrefined, unprocessed and organic. For instance, the coconut oil should not be hydrogenated, heated or solvent-extracted.
Please note that if you consume animal products, you should eat grass-fed, not grain-fed meats. Consume eggs from hens that were fed a widely varied, organic diet.
We don’t mention dairy products in particular because it is almost impossible to get them in a form that has not been severely damaged and made dangerous. Pasteurization, homogenization, antibiotics, grain-feeding — these all render milk products harmful to anyone, including babies.
Note also that the types and quantities of protein that people need vary from person to person. There is no “one diet fits all.” Some people can handle a diet of fruits and vegetables very well; others “crash and burn” on this same diet. Thus, each person should find out what works best and stick with that.
An excellent book that can help you determine what diet will work for you is The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott.
Fermented foods help restore the proper balance of intestinal flora, produce B-vitamins in the body and leave the body’s iternal pH slightly alkaline, as it should be for optimum health.
We hope you find this information helpful. Let us know your “List of the Best and Worst Foods.” We’d love to hear your views on the subject!